Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Here’s the research I did for you…

I've been waiting a long time to send this e-mail...

See, I've been pestering Derek Gehl -- a friend of mine and head of the 'Net's most successful marketing business -- to let me test out their affiliate management software.

(Since they spent 8 months and over $248,000+ developing AssocTRAC, I've been pretty eager to get my hands on it!)

And because AssocTRAC contains all the exact tools any business needs to instantly harness the true profit-generating power of an affiliate program, I was pretty blown away by what Derek just told me...

He genuinely wants you to prove to yourself that ANYONE can make money with an affiliate program -- so he wants to give ALL my subscribers the opportunity to test it risk-free for the next 90 days!

(FYI: This is the exact same solution that he himself uses to manage the 70,000+ affiliates who generated more than $1.8 million last year alone!)

So for the next three months you will be able to advertise your business on every corner of the Web at no charge, with hundreds, even thousands, of affiliates driving traffic and sales to your web site by personally recommending your products and services to their subscribers!

You'll also be able to stop paying for ineffective advertising (since you ONLY pay your affiliates when they make a sale for you)...

And I think you'll be impressed by how easy it is to set up and use!

Derek's confident that once you are up and running with one of the most advanced affiliate tracking systems ever created, and when your profits have skyrocketed, you won't see any other solution but to keep using AssocTRAC... and that's why he's agreed to let me make this offer to you.

To learn how you can test-drive one of the most powerful viral marketing tools available and start your own affiliate program at a fraction of the regular cost, go to:

Click Here for TOP Rated Viral Marketing Tool

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